In 2021, Movie Park Germany opened the Movie Park Studio Tour, an attraction that represents the DNA of the German theme park like no other. IMAmotion was involved in creating the story of the ride, wrote the script, produced the extensive media content and designed most of the graphics. Furthermore, IMAmotion was responsible for marketing material, like TV and online spots, making-of films, as well as photos of the ride. THE EYE OF THE STORM
Close to the middle of the ride, the guests enter a hot set. The film crew was just about to shoot a special effects scene with a tornado destroying a stereotypical US farm. Now the tornado is coming closer fast and the guests need to make it out of the scene as fast as they can.IMAmotion designed and animated the media content of the scene, split up on multiple screens, one in the front, another one on the left and three huge back projections in the ceiling. The media content is accompanied by a dramatic soundtrack, as well as wind and heat effects.